Every human is a spiritual being. We have long-ings, desires and a need to belong. From the beginning, we were meant to live in community – with God and with each other. What does community and brotherhood look like for a man? Beyond Bible studies and retreats, what’s vital for men to be in community with other men?
His Pursuit invites each individual into a journey of living life with God and with others. And even though life is lived in the day-to-day, our settings for community intentionally engage people away from the noise of life to hear more vividly from God in an encounter with his creation.
His Pursuit will focus on, but not be limited to, engaging young men – late teens to early 30’s – in teaching and small group interaction, primarily through outdoor experiences. Resources will be created and incorporated from other sources as an invitation into this journey of discovery with God, as well as follow up after the outdoor experiences. The vision is to provide experiences and resources inviting people into a lifetime pursuit with the Father who created us for his glory and pleasure. Then the Spirit of God can work through them to stir up fires of community in homes, churches and towns across the country. Dates have been set for experiences in the months ahead:
September 15—18, Location to be determined
October 7—10, Upstate New York
In the days and weeks ahead, we will be designing the experiences, creating promotional resources and inviting men to join us. We will be sending out brief updates to you as these plans are developed.
We would be very grateful for your prayers as this all comes together.
Yours in Christ,